Quick Snap roller brushes

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An interlocking modular tufted roller brush system constructed on a range of standard synthetic cores and fill material to suit your application. The ultimate in roller brush flexibility.

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Quick Snap roller brushes provide the ultimate in flexibility. Tufted brush segments can be assembled as required to make your own custom made roller brush. Manufactured in 100 mm segments, Quick Snap roller brushes can be supplied complete with shaft or as modules only for assembly onto your own shaft. The toothed, interlocking cores ensure a seamless brush face and worn segments can be replaced quickly and easily. Locking end collars are provided for each Quick Snap roller brush and reduction inserts can be provided to match the diameter of your shaft where required.

Using fill materials and drill patterns to suit your application, Quick Snap roller brushes are ideal for powdering, pressurising, sweeping, transporting and washing.


  • Modular, interlocking brush core system
  • No special tools necessary
  • Fill materials and drill patterns to suit your application
  • Quick and easy assembly
  • Replace just the worn segments
Core material: Glass filled Polyamide (PA)
Fill material: Synthetic or natural hair and fibre
Fill colour: Colours available on request
Tuft angle Upright or angled
Tuft density Open, dense or very dense
Tuft method: Machine stapled
Tuft pattern In line, staggered, helical, chevron
Trim profile Straight or custom profiled

Help me choose

To help you choose your ideal Quick Snap Roller Brush solution, we need to know a few details. It also helps if you can tell us a little about your application. Please refer to our available dimensions and materials, but if you’re not quite sure what you need or would like some advice, simply get in touch and we’ll see how we can help.

How to configure your Quick Snap roller brush

  • Brush type:
  • Brush length (BL):
  • Brush diameter (BD)
  • Fill material: (synthetic, natural hair or fibre)
  • Drill pattern: (open, dense or very dense)
  • Brush position (SL1):
  • Bore diameter (KB):
  • Core diameter (KD):
  • Shaft length (SL):
  • Shaft diameter (SD)
  • Shaft end diameter (SD1) or (SD2):
  • Shaft material:
  • Additional machined features

If you want to see which materials might best suit your application, take a look at our quick guide to fill materials.

Dimensions and materials

Quick Snap roller brushes


Dimensions Fill material
Type Core diameter Bore diameter Number of teeth Brush diameter Synthetic
KD KB NT BD (max) Ø (max)
QS03308 33 20 8 200 0.60
QS03310 33 20 10 200 0.60
QS03316 33 20 16 180 0.40
QS04508 45 25 8 280 1.00
QS04512 45 25 12 300 1.00
QS04516 45 25 16 250 0.60
QS05710 57 35 10 320 1.50
QS05715 57 35 15 280 1.00
QS05718 57 35 18 250 0.60
QS06512 65 40 12 320 1.50
QS06517 65 40 17 300 1.00
QS06520 65 40 20 300 0.90
QS07512 75 50 12 380 2.00
QS07518 75 50 18 350 1.50
QS07530 75 50 30 300 0.60
QS08612 86 60 12 380 2.00
QS08620 86 60 20 380 1.50
QS08630 86 60 30 320 0.90
QS10014 100 75 14 400 2.00
QS10018 100 75 18 400 2.00
QS10022 100 75 22 380 1.00
QS12518 125 100 18 450 2.00
QS12524 125 100 24 450 2.00
QS12528 125 100 28 400 1.00
QS14522 145 120 22 470 2.00
QS14528 145 120 28 470 2.00
QS14534 145 120 34 420 1.00
QS15524 155 125 24 480 2.00
QS15528 155 125 28 480 2.00
QS15536 155 125 36 430 1.00
QS17624 176 152 24 500 2.00
QS17636 176 152 36 500 2.00
QS17648 176 152 48 450 1.00

All dimensions in mm


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